Friday, August 27, 2010

Unbridled Arrogance

Barack Obama is supremely smug and arrogant. This smug arrogance has grown to such an extent that it’s led to delusional perception of reality. Throughout his life, Obama has been told how smart and how special he is so many times -with an exponential increase in intensity in the past 36 months - that I think he honestly believes it now. We have seen this demonstrated repeatedly in his time as President, as if he thinks his very presence will actually do things like convince the International Olympic Committee to hold the 2016 Olympics in Chicago, solve the healthcare debate, and stop Iran from trying to acquire nukes.

As for being the head of state, It's almost as if he holds the duties of the Presidency, the White House, and the American people, in contempt. As if all of this is “beneath” him. I get the distinct impression that he views his job as not just a terrific burden, but as an inconvenience as well. It is a burden of course, every President will attest to that, but every other President would also call it a noble burden, whereas Obama sees it as a distasteful and loathsome burden.

A few days ago I found myself watching a news report on how he had to interrupt his precious vacation (6th, for the record) to take a conference call with economic “geniuses” Tim Geitner and Larry Summers about the economy (that they‘re all doing such a great job of expanding), and I would be willing to bet that Obama thinks we should thank him for taking the time out of his day - on his vacation (!), no less - to deal with our problems. "We really owe you for that one, Barry!"
His arrogance is truly incredible to behold; it knows NO bounds. That level of arrogance is the cause of much of his unusual behavior - ZERO press conferences for more than 10 months (why should someone as brilliant as he need to explain himself to all of us knuckle-dragging Americans, desperately clinging to our guns and religion?), the ceaseless vacations, the 50 rounds of golf, leaving the White House at every opportunity, and creating as many of those opportunities as possible.
To borrow a line, what we have here is the first President not to be awed by the office. He acts like the office should be awed by him. 2012 can not come soon enough.

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