Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Limit Talks Continue...

Speaker Boehner's plan lasted all of a few hours after having been released this morning. Speaker Boehner even called in live to the Rush Limbaugh show this afternoon... not without precedent, but rather rare. After Boehner explained his "plan", there was a painfully awkward silence. His plan immediately raises the debt limit by over $1 Trillion, whilst cutting a similar amount of "spending".... over the next 10 years. So next years spending cuts shall at best amount to $100 Billion. The United States government increases its national debt by $100 Billion every month (!) ... and that amount is set to continue growing in years to come.
Furthermore, as a new federal budget is produced each year (well, a budget WAS produced each year until Obama & Co. came to town... we've gone over 800 days without one), and no Congress can force action on a future Congress, the final 9 years of the Boehner plan are completely meaningless.
$1 of spending cuts (REAL cuts, mind you...) for $1 of debt limit extension. It's as simple as that.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Green, Warming, Nonsense

With the GOP 2012 candidate situation continuing to “work itself out”, a lot of the candidates are dealing with their past (and for Newt Gingrich, present) political mistakes and ill-conceived statements. Romney has Romney-care, Gingrich has his 3rd wife (with whom he cheated on the 2nd wife, with whom he cheated on the 1st wife), Pawlenty has his statements on Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax), and so on. In light of Pawlenty’s sin of being in favor of Cap and Tax some years ago (Gingrich was also in favor… remember his Public Service Announcement with Nancy Pelosi?), I’ve been thinking about Cap and Tax a bit this week. Yes, we could make a “market” of carbon credits and other “green” ideas, and it could “work” to an extent, but why waste both time and treasure on something with no real utility what-so-ever. The cap and tax crowd acts as if CO2 is not unlike arsenic, and any detectable level of it is a crime against nature that MUST be corrected. I thought liberals were supposed to be enlightened and highly educated? Don’t these morons know that CO2 is the very molecule that permits all actual “green things” (flora) to exist? Simply stunning.
Speaking of CO2, and its sinister alleged effects, I must say that I find it exceptionally curious that if CO2 is in fact the cause of anthropogenic global warming, how can it be that all throughout Earth’s history, global climate has been warmer with far less CO2 in the atmosphere and cooler with far more. 20,000 years ago the better part of the continental United States was covered with glaciers over a mile thick. Then it warmed! All on its own! No SUV’s, no coal fired power plants, not even the flatulence from herds of domesticated cattle! And do you know why? Because that’s what climate does, it CHANGES! It changes on its own, and it does so in an unstoppable manner. An increase of a few score parts per million of CO2 couldn’t be of any less consequence.
The AGW cult of believers act like the Earth’s climate is the result of some agreement with Mother Nature that we’re now breaking. In their minds the climate is some fragile creation that would completely derail were it not for their careful stewardship. A perfect example of Leftist hubris. In reality, global climate does not react to humans. Humans react to global climate. Climate is perpetually shifting; it always has, and it always shall; a non-stop cycle of warming followed by cooling, followed by warming, followed by cooling. Up until about 150 years ago, no appreciable emissions were being generated by human activity, yet the climate cycle didn’t miss a beat.
The AGW faithful look at ~110 PPM increase of CO2 as well as a barely perceptible rise in temperature since the Industrial Revolution and have deduced both direct correlation and causality! All without any replicable scientific proof! Amazing detective work, to be sure. For the barely detectible rise in temperature, remember, global climate is always either warming or cooling. Any time period selected from Earth’s atmospheric history will have a 50% chance of demonstrating a slight warming trend. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution happened to coincide with the end of the “Little Ice Age” (or Maunder Minimum as it’s called). Much of the “data” used to support AGW theories isn’t really data at all. The output of various climate models is offered as concrete data when it is nothing of the sort! The AGW faithful select a few facts, make some massive assumptions, hire a fellow AGW believer to create a “scientific” climate model, and there you have it – scientific proof!
Glancing over the fact that creating a model for a system with as many variables as global climate is not possible, the models put forth as data are not only created by individuals with financial and professional interests directly tied to AGW activism/alarmism, but those same individuals are also charged with interpreting the invariably inconclusive results!
Thusly armed, the AGW cult members can then loudly assert that driving non-hybrid cars, burning any fossil fuels for energy (affordable energy), and other anthropogenic emissions will destroy the planet, all the while acting much holier-than-thou. Going back to the enlightened and educated left, it amazes me that such allegedly enlightened intellectuals can convince themselves that a ~110 PPM increase of CO2 in the atmosphere is a more likely culprit for any warming than the SUN, even more so when it turns out that the cyclical global warming and cooling cycles just so happen to coincide with solar output cycles. A perfect instance of people believing what they want to believe.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Taxes, The Deficit & The GOP In 2012


Mainstream talking heads continue bringing up the idea of raising income taxes on folks earning $200,000 or more per annum. These ideas have been rebutted on every occasion by members of the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives, usually with Paul Ryan (R - WI) in the lead. Until the federal government demonstrates even a modicum of fiscal responsibility, the topic of tax increases isn’t even on the table, much less a likely prospect.
The liberal answer to every single problem facing America in the 21st century seems to be some variation of “Tax the rich!”. By “rich” they generally mean people with jobs. “Pay your fair share!” they say. Perhaps they’re unaware - more likely that they simply don’t care - that the bottom 50% of wage earners only pay 3% of income tax collected! For anyone subjected to the public school system in America, that means that the top 50% of wage earners pay 97% of all income tax collected. The “rich” (Democrats consider a family of 5 with a household income of $250,000 to be “rich”) already pay all of the taxes! Apparently that is just not good enough for the leftists/state-ists who never met a government program they didn’t instantly love and swear to defend with their lives. If liberals want Americans to pay even more, that’s one thing, but stop saying that they don’t pay their fair share, as that is an absurd statement.

The outcome of the 2012 Presidential election is rapidly growing in importance in my mind. Also growing in equal proportion is my belief that the next 10 years shall determine whether or not the United States goes the way of all former global hegemons. In light of this realization, the remarkable weakness of all of the potential “leaders” to guide us through this moment of truth - or decade of truth, to be more precise - is extremely alarming. Despite the weakness of the field of persons seeking the Republican nomination, the one certainty is that the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama would be the single greatest existential threat to the United States of America since the first shots were fired in Charleston harbor 150 years ago. A strong Republican candidate must come forward, willingly or otherwise. As of now our only legitimate option is Mitt Romney. The situation is perilous!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wisconsin Absurdity

Public union members (“workers” in the old Lenin-Marxist parlance) in Madison, Wisconsin continue protesting new legislation that will begin to bring some balance to their contracts with the state. The current extremely imbalanced contracts have left the small state of Wisconsin $3,600,000,000 in the red over the next two years. Some teachers and other state workers have finally begun returning to work, though the 14 Democrat State Senators remain on the lam somewhere in Illinois, hopping from one Motel 6 to the next in efforts to stay one step ahead of non-state-run media persons as well as any Wisconsin state troopers that may be trying to apprehend them. With only 19 State Senators remaining in Madison, they are unable to fulfill quorum requirements (20 Senators, or 60%) needed to pass fiscal legislation. Now that the bill in question has passed through the State Assembly, the pressure on the absent Senators is increasing.
Governor Walker is being repeatedly likened to Adolf Hitler and a number of other monsters of human history. Has he murdered millions of Jews in an attempted continental ethnic cleansing? No? Then surely he has committed the moral equivalent of such a heinous act, right? Governor Walker’s dictatorial tyrannical crime against humanity itself: asking public union members to contribute 5% (!) of their salaries towards their otherwise entirely state-funded benefits & pensions, and reduce the public union collective bargaining powers. No doubt charges against Governor Walker are being drawn up at The Hague.
Following Governor Walker’s example, several other states facing fiscal emergencies have taken similar measures to reign in their own budget-busting public unions. Barack Obama continues to back public unions, albeit only verbally, and even that support is waning as time passes. As Obama’s decision making process focuses on whether an action is politically expedient & whether it polls well, rather than whether an action is right or wrong, he has undoubtedly realized that supporting the public unions in this fight is a losing proposition. Having state governments attempting to balance their budgets as adversaries would not be well received in the arena of public opinion. Americans have come to realize - hopefully not too late - that public sector unions are little more than avenues through which tax-payer money is laundered to the Democratic Party in exchange for luxurious benefits packages The 2010 election cycle alone saw the transfer of over $200,000,000 to Democratic candidates from public unions, who in turn received their money from taxpayers - allocated to them by current Democrat politicians. That borders on the criminal.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Source of Liberal Aggression

Why are liberals so full of hatred and scorn? Why are they so universally negative, hateful, and prone to violence? They are so for scores of reasons, not the least of which being that their reputation in the American public is steadily shrinking, with <20% of Americans self identifying as “liberals”. More than twice that number self identify as “conservatives”.

A group of such a minority, with views so divergent from those held by the general public, will find itself in a near perpetual state of intellectual self defense. When not defending their largely unpopular ideology, they’re trying to implement their liberal agenda through social reforms. As they make up less that 1/5 of the population, much of their efforts are in vain.

I know not whether liberalism begets a sense of elitism or whether elitism begets a sense of liberalism, but that the two go hand in hand cannot be denied.

So far everything about liberalism is either negative or resentful: inherent elitism, low self identifying %, the perpetual defensive nature. Worse still, each of these things feed off of each other in a vicious feedback loop.

Returning to the aforementioned elitism, liberals largely view themselves as better, brighter, and considerably more enlightened than average Americans, yet these same inferior Americans rarely (and inexplicably!) turn to their betters (liberals… in case you are one of those average Americans and aren’t able to follow…) to lead them. To the liberals’ great shock and indignation, average Americans resent them for their perceived natural superiority. Resentment feeding resentment in yet another tragic feedback loop.

Residing in such a bubble of negativity, it should not be a surprise that liberals are such a spiteful lot. It would, in fact, be a surprise to find liberals who are not negative! Look back at news stories of violent protests and demonstrations around the world. I challenge anyone to find news coverage of protests and/or demonstrations requiring riot gear donned law enforcement in which the protestors are conservatives. In fact, I challenge you to find an example of such a protest in which the protestors are anything but liberals or leftists.

Liberal aggression is also fueled by that which sustains liberal political momentum and in the United States, the Democratic Party. Downward socio-economic mobility is the catalyst for liberal expansion. Conversely upward economic mobility is generally bad for liberals and the Democratic Party, as is economic prosperity and growth in general. Their ranks swell in a direct correlation with poverty and government dependency.

I imagine it is rather difficult for a party (political) to be full of good cheer when its perception of success is the spread of misery among the populace.

Try the riot gear experiment.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Comcast & NBC Universal Coincidence? The Sacking of Olberman

Days after the FCC approved Comcast’s acquisition of / merger with NBC Universal, the journalism world was given a pleasant & unexpected surprise: MSNBC’s liberal bomb-thrower and consummate liar Keith Olberman has been fired! MSNBC executives claim the merger had no impact on their actions, but I find that rather difficult to accept. Coincidence or not, NBC/Comcast made an excellent decision in releasing that raving left-of-liberal lunatic back into the wild. The only downside is that that “wild” happens to be the society in which we all reside.

There are no shortages of liberal loons at MSNBC to fill in, but Olberman was their leader and the quickest to resort to twisting - and if need be fabricating all of the “facts” needed to “prove” his opinions on the ways of the world. People like him who must sink to such base tactics to “win” the argument must do so because the real facts can not come close to doing so on their own.
How much further “house cleaning” shall occur is unknown, but folks at MSNBC must be alarmed to have found out that Comcast is in the business of making money - not cheer leading for the Democratic Party. No money was being made by giving Olberman an uber-liberal fiefdom of a network to operate as he saw fit. Not long ago Olberman was forcing other MSNBC hosts off the air for daring to challenge his opinion on some small political issue. MSNBC and its dozens of regular viewers were nominally under his control with regard to on air content. How the mighty have fallen.

MSNBC will undoubtedly shuffle their lineup of socialists, lesbians, and leftist blow-hards to minimize disruption, but the effects of Olberman’s dismissal will be impossible to ignore. You know you’re in trouble when your game plan for the future includes the words “Ed Shultz” and “prime time”.