Monday, April 18, 2011

Taxes, The Deficit & The GOP In 2012


Mainstream talking heads continue bringing up the idea of raising income taxes on folks earning $200,000 or more per annum. These ideas have been rebutted on every occasion by members of the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives, usually with Paul Ryan (R - WI) in the lead. Until the federal government demonstrates even a modicum of fiscal responsibility, the topic of tax increases isn’t even on the table, much less a likely prospect.
The liberal answer to every single problem facing America in the 21st century seems to be some variation of “Tax the rich!”. By “rich” they generally mean people with jobs. “Pay your fair share!” they say. Perhaps they’re unaware - more likely that they simply don’t care - that the bottom 50% of wage earners only pay 3% of income tax collected! For anyone subjected to the public school system in America, that means that the top 50% of wage earners pay 97% of all income tax collected. The “rich” (Democrats consider a family of 5 with a household income of $250,000 to be “rich”) already pay all of the taxes! Apparently that is just not good enough for the leftists/state-ists who never met a government program they didn’t instantly love and swear to defend with their lives. If liberals want Americans to pay even more, that’s one thing, but stop saying that they don’t pay their fair share, as that is an absurd statement.

The outcome of the 2012 Presidential election is rapidly growing in importance in my mind. Also growing in equal proportion is my belief that the next 10 years shall determine whether or not the United States goes the way of all former global hegemons. In light of this realization, the remarkable weakness of all of the potential “leaders” to guide us through this moment of truth - or decade of truth, to be more precise - is extremely alarming. Despite the weakness of the field of persons seeking the Republican nomination, the one certainty is that the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama would be the single greatest existential threat to the United States of America since the first shots were fired in Charleston harbor 150 years ago. A strong Republican candidate must come forward, willingly or otherwise. As of now our only legitimate option is Mitt Romney. The situation is perilous!