Public union members (“workers” in the old Lenin-Marxist parlance) in Madison, Wisconsin continue protesting new legislation that will begin to bring some balance to their contracts with the state. The current extremely imbalanced contracts have left the small state of Wisconsin $3,600,000,000 in the red over the next two years. Some teachers and other state workers have finally begun returning to work, though the 14 Democrat State Senators remain on the lam somewhere in Illinois, hopping from one Motel 6 to the next in efforts to stay one step ahead of non-state-run media persons as well as any Wisconsin state troopers that may be trying to apprehend them. With only 19 State Senators remaining in Madison, they are unable to fulfill quorum requirements (20 Senators, or 60%) needed to pass fiscal legislation. Now that the bill in question has passed through the State Assembly, the pressure on the absent Senators is increasing.
Governor Walker is being repeatedly likened to Adolf Hitler and a number of other monsters of human history. Has he murdered millions of Jews in an attempted continental ethnic cleansing? No? Then surely he has committed the moral equivalent of such a heinous act, right? Governor Walker’s dictatorial tyrannical crime against humanity itself: asking public union members to contribute 5% (!) of their salaries towards their otherwise entirely state-funded benefits & pensions, and reduce the public union collective bargaining powers. No doubt charges against Governor Walker are being drawn up at The Hague.
Following Governor Walker’s example, several other states facing fiscal emergencies have taken similar measures to reign in their own budget-busting public unions. Barack Obama continues to back public unions, albeit only verbally, and even that support is waning as time passes. As Obama’s decision making process focuses on whether an action is politically expedient & whether it polls well, rather than whether an action is right or wrong, he has undoubtedly realized that supporting the public unions in this fight is a losing proposition. Having state governments attempting to balance their budgets as adversaries would not be well received in the arena of public opinion. Americans have come to realize - hopefully not too late - that public sector unions are little more than avenues through which tax-payer money is laundered to the Democratic Party in exchange for luxurious benefits packages The 2010 election cycle alone saw the transfer of over $200,000,000 to Democratic candidates from public unions, who in turn received their money from taxpayers - allocated to them by current Democrat politicians. That borders on the criminal.